"More than education, more than experience, more than training,
a person's level of resilience determines who succeeds and who fails. That's
true in the cancer, it's true in the Olympic, and it's true in the board
room." Dean M. Becker
Life is full of up's and downs. It seems that most of the people already know how to deal with up's moment. But there are less who can easily handle the difficult traumas and fewer who are capable to convert such situations into magic moments. These are resilient people. AAP (American Psychological Association) defines resiliency: "Process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant source of stress."
Resilience is determined by both in born traits and environment, but it's also a learning and developing skill. You can learn to think to and act resilient.
Like any moment of your life, during the process of change you
may face some adversity and trauma which
requires enhancing resilience. One of
the first steps of to enhance your resilience is regulating your emotions.
Regulating emotions is neither controlling nor ignoring. Again there are number
of techniques which you can employ to regulate your emotions., varies from
ancient mindfulness meditations to cognitive restructuring (reappraisal)
techniques. The cognitive restructuring or reframing is an alteration in perception
which is made through changes in cognition. Cognition is the mental process
that includes an assortment of thinking and reasoning skills.
The amazing advantage of such cognitive reframing is
experiencing the deeper levels of your current mind set (current frame) and the
self-awareness about your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Therefore you would
be able to favorably alter your negative or stress-related perceptions
(irrational thoughts) into positive attitudes.
"Everything can be taken from man but one thing - the
last human freedom, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
Viktor Frankl
By restructuring the negative perceptions which cause toxic
thoughts and toxic emotions, you'll have the choice to choose your thoughts!
Another efficient strategy to enhance your resilience is to
become physically fit. You can protect yourself against the negative effects of
stress by physical activity. Exercise will boost levels of endorphins as well
as neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin that may reduce symptoms of
depression and elevate mood. It means that simple workout (like 1.15 hr per
week) will help both your physical and mental health.
There are also other strategies to be more resilient such as
social network support, role modeling and accepting challenges.
You can see that all the elevating resilience
strategies are motivational strategies to the process of change and by going
back to the quote by Dean Becker, we can conclude that 'those who succeed are
motivated to change'.
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